4 Social Bookmarking Websites And How To Use Them Effectively

Posted by Unknown On Tuesday 6 August 2013 0 comments
Social bookmarking, beginning with Digg and Delicious, is the Web 2.0 era of the internet. Since then, social bookmarking has evolved and grown with only a handful of the original social bookmarking sites retaining some sort of relevance (Reddit, StumbleUpon, to name a few).

Below, we take a look at five of the most popular social bookmarking websites and how to best use them:


Website: StumbleUpon.com
Throughout its long history (it was sold to Ebay before the original founders bought it back), StumbleUpon has been the go-to destination for literally, stumbling upon links. The website still retains a very  healthy user-base (it is the 221st most popular website in the world) with millions of unique visitors each month.


Website: Pinterest.com
Pinterest was the breakthrough website of 2012 and now ranks as the 15th most visited website in the US. Pinterest is for sharing pictures, not links – a medium that makes it perfect for the current image-centric nature of the internet. You can create ‘pin-boards’ on particular subjects and themes and pin any image from across the internet on it.


Website: Twitter.com
You’d have to be living under a rock to not know about Twitter, which Alexa ranked as the 11th most visited website in the US. Twitter is less of a social bookmarking site and more of a social sharing site. Still, it can generate massive amounts of traffic with the right content.


Website: Reddit.com
Reddit is the self-styled ‘front page of the internet’. The numbers bear out this claim: it is the 49th most visited website in the US and served 37 billions page views in 2012. This traffic has only grown in the first six months of 2013 on the website.


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