What Is Search Engine optimization (SEO)

Posted by Unknown On Saturday 20 July 2013 0 comments

Many people are aware of the term of seo floating around the Internet, but just what does SEO stand for? The simple answer: it stands for search engine optimization. That’s not very helpful though, so let’s look at it more in depth. What we can find just from the name is that SEO is a process to optimize for search engines. Well, we all know what search engines are, but what does it mean to optimize for them?

Well, SEO is mainly a marketing technique to make a website more visible to search engines. We’re all familiar with what takes place when we search for something on Google or Yahoo! search: the site gives us several pages of results. Did you know that most people only bother clicking on results found on the first page of a search? Sometimes a search can result in 10 or 20 pages of results… and the average user often ignores all those extra pages.

Keywords aren’t the only search engine optimization tool you can use. Another important aspect of SEO is  linking . Search engines basically use links to a website as references, like when an employer calls up past employers to find out how good an applicant is. The more legitimate references or links to a website, the higher that the site will be ranked in the search engines. Creating links between your pages is a great way to enhanceSEO.

Keywords and linking is just the tip of the search engine optimization iceberg. There are many more advanced techniques that can be used to bring a site to the top of the search page ranks and keep it there. This is just an introduction, but now you know the answer to the question; what does SEO stand for?


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