Top 5 DreamWorks Animation Movies

Posted by Unknown On Tuesday 6 August 2013 3 comments

DreamWorks Animation has been on quite a roll of late. But, if you think about it, the quality of the work coming out of the Jeffrey Katzenberg wing of DreamWorks has always been quite good. In no time at all, they have come to rival that Pixar company and their parent company, Disney.
But, given that Katzenberg was the Disney Animation Chief who green lit The Lion Kingamong many other instant classics, this success by DreamWorks Animation should not be a surprise. With Turbo set to hit theaters July 17, we look back at Katzenberg’s babies and present out Top 10 DreamWorks Animation Movies.


What a perfect cast in a wildly original idea for an animated movie. Madagascar featured Ben Stiller as a showboat lion, Jada Pinkett Smith as a hippo, Chris Rock portraying a trying to bust out if his stripes zebra and David Schwimmer as an awkward giraffe -- all trying to escape Central Park Zoo confines.
Their Madagascar adventure that takes them to the titular locale is heartwarming, hilarious and then there are those penguins. Zany doesn't even begin to describe the non-flying avian creatures, who were so popular they got a spin-off TV series and a slew of animated shorts as well as increased roles in Madagascar 2 and Madagascar 3.

4)KungFu Panda

Jack Black is a pudgy panda who dreams of being a kung fu warrior in ancient China. Again, score one for DreamWorks Animation for great casting for a great story. The life lessons abound in Kung Fu Panda and it also features some of the best action sequences showcased in the studio’s films. Angelina Jolie even starred as a ninja-savvy kickass tiger named Tigress in the 2008 flick that only gave it even more panache and power.

3)Chicken Run

DreamWorks Animation’s visionary methods were further proved brilliant with their working with filmmaker Peter Lord (Wallace and Gromit filmmaker). His claymation style of moviemaking may seem old school, but their ability to tell a story that simultaneously thrills and has heart is astounding.
Chicken Run brought Lord’s impressive animation style to the masses that had been garnering raves for years. Mel Gibson played a rooster living on a farm who was determined to get himself and his fellow chickens out of what he perceived was a prison camp and as such, the film felt like a chicken-based The Great Escape.

2)Shrek 1 & 2

Not that we didn’t like Shrek 3 and 4 (they’re below in our honorable mentions), but there was something truly special and revolutionary about the first two Shrek movies. Casting Mike Myers as a Scottish ogre, Cameron Diaz as a princess (er… ogre) and Eddie Murphy as a sassy donkey was a stroke of brilliance.Shrek filmmakers’ ability to not only channel some of our favorite nursery rhymes into a single world, but also to parody our current pop culture universe is astounding on every level.

1)How To Train Your Dragon

The immense response to the How To Train Your Dragon is proof that DreamWorks Animation struck a truly special chord with their 2010 smash hit. Jay Baruchel voices Hiccup, a Scottish son of a warrior who was always too skinny to do much damage as a medieval fighter. So, when he stumbled on an orphaned dragon and managed to not only make the fire-breather passive towards him, but also train him to soar like a horse with wings, it catapulted Hiccup to a world of almost celebrity in his village, and certainly made his father proud.


Unknown said...

Great info with the good picture.Credit for the writer

Unknown said...

Tq for the review....

Tengkubutang said...

aaaaaaaaaaaaaa.. semua2 teman sukaaa!! i likeee!!! yang last sekali tu paling sukaa.. cumeyyy dragon tuuu

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