How To Make Money Selling Ebooks Online

Posted by Unknown On Tuesday 6 August 2013 3 comments

Writing an EBook

Write in Your Niche

If you want to write an eBook then I will highly recommended you to write in your niche. It means, write on the topic that you think that you are an expert in that field. Don’t write in that niche which makes lots of money or in that niche which is most famous. You should write in the niche which you love.

Choosing the Appropriate Title

Choosing title for your eBook is just like choosing headline for you blog post. So, I think you should give same attention with both. You should make title keeping the interest of readers along with the search engines. Choosing A Killer Headline.

Adding Something Extra Spicy

You may ask why I should write what already people know. But there may be some other people out there to learn many new things from your eBook. There may be some points which they would not know and you only know about that. That’s why you should write and add your own thought.

Designing Your EBook

Most people buy books by looking at their covers only, so you should design your EBook in such way that it can attract someone in the first time. Especially, cover of eBook should be eye catching and automatically gives a brief description of your eBook. As a phrase said, “A book can be judged by its cover!”

Now, it’s Time for Selling Your EBook

Finally, we have come on the main topic, make money selling eBooks. You may think your blog is the perfect place for selling your eBooks. But, Amazon is the best place for selling your eBooks. You should publish your eBooks on Amazon Kindle Store. Some other sites for selling your eBooks are Lulu, Smashwords, MyeBook.

Some other ways to sell your eBook:
  • Run a Giveaway while Selling EBook.
  • Give Trial Offers.
  • Offer Some Freebies with EBook.

Finally, I have given you all the tips to sell your eBooks. If you think I have missed something or some other points should be added then tell me, comment below. And other thing, I will soon post an article on publishing your blog on Kindle and benefits of it. Subscribe to get updates.


Top 10 Best Affiliate Programs To Make Money Online

Posted by Unknown On 2 comments

I am particularly sharing this article for people who want to make money online   It’s really really hard trying to mention the best top paying affiliate marketing programs for the year 2013. This affiliate programs websites were all doing great in the year 2012, but i just want to list here, and probably create a discussion board, where you can share your experience with affiliate programs and mention the best affiliate programs  for the year 2013.

1. Amazon Affiliate Program - Amazon is the largest product selling web stores in the world and if you can promote amazon products, you can earn thousands of dollars per month because Amazon offers attractive commission on each sale. One of the best affiliate programs to make easy money on the internet. You can promote amazon products on your blog, website, favorite social networks and forums to generate sales from your amazon affiliate links. You can also create your own online shopping eCommerce website based on amazon products .

2. Hostgator Affiliate - One of the best hosting affiliate programs that pays to bloggers and affiliates $ 50 for each referred customer. Hostgator affiliate program allows users earning up to $125 per referral. Commission are paid via PayPal. Users can promote their affiliate links anywhere on the web such as Facebook, Twitter , Blogs , Forums etc.

3. Freelancer Job Affiliate - If your blog or website is based on jobs or you want to promote job based affiliate program, Freelancer job affiliate can help you to earn decent money online because Freelancer offers high commission on referrals' earnings. Just promote job and make money (when referred person completes the project).

4. Indeed Job Advertisements - Indeed is one of the most visited job search engines on the web and if you join its partner program, you will be able to promote high paying indeed job offers on your site. Commission are paid via check.

5. iPage Affiliate Program - iPage affiliate program is a high paying hosting partner program which pays to affiliates an average of $105 per active customer. iPage offers many useful promotional tools and banners so that you can generate sales easily from your blog.

6. iTunes Store Affiliate Program - iTunes Store partner program offers 5%  commission on each sale. You can promote iPad , iPhone and Mac apps on your blog or website generate easy commission from your site. Thousands of bloggers and website owners make sufficient money by selling iPad and iPhone apps. You can also sell videos, music , mp3 and books to make more money from your site. One of the highest revenue generating affiliate programs on the internet.

7. Babylon Affiliate - One of the best translating tools on the web that helps users translating web content easily. You can join its affiliate program to offer free translator to your friends and website visitors, when your affiliated software will be downloaded, you will receive commission from Babylon.

8. Simplyhired Affiliate (Jobamatic) - Simplyhired helps users to create their own job based websites so if you want to create your own job based website, this program will help you to earn money for offering jobs on your site.

9. Justcloud Affiliate - Highest paying could hosting affiliate program that pays $120 per customer. Justcloud also pays $5 for free referrals. Commission are paid via PayPal.

10. Codecanyon Affiliate Program - One of the best affiliate programs that can help you to sell cheap WordPress themes, plugins, scripts , tools and website templates. Affiliates can earn up to 30% of referrals' first purchase .


How To Make Money From Fiverr

Posted by Unknown On 3 comments

What is Fiverr?

Fiverr is a site where people sell different products and services for $5. Of course, if there are sellers selling their stuff for $5, then we also have buyers on other hand. So at Fiverr, sellers sell their stuff for $5 and buyers buy it. is a pretty famous site having 252 Alexa rank. It was started back in 2009. There are well over 1.3 million gigs available on Fiverr. There are many sites like Fiverr but Fiverr is really different and it is the best because there are already too many buyers there on their site that you don’t have to do anything to promote your gig.

What you can sell on Fiverr?

How to make money from Fiverr? You must know as to what you can sell on Fiverr?
Well you can sell almost anything. Anything literally means ANYTHING. The items that are sold on Fiverr are known as “gigs” so if there are over 1.3 millions gigs already created by people on Fiverr, it means that competition is there and nothing is left over.
There are 11 categories on Fiverr and each one of them has several subcategories. The categories include gifts, graphics & design, video & animation, online marketing, writing & translation, advertising, business, programming & tech, music & audio, fun & bizarre and lifestyle.
So you can choose any category and sell any product or service that you are willing to sell. It doesn’t matter whether you have a digital product or you have to deliver it to your buyer. You can sell anything and you can choose to charge shipment charges from your buyer.

 Tips Of Making Money From Fiverr 

1) Be Very Specific

It’s important to be very specific when describing your gig. The buyer needs to know exactly what to expect from you. It’s up to you to set expectations and limitations on what it is you’re offering. Sometimes there’s a language barrier, other times, buyers just don’t read gig descriptions very thoroughly.

2) Don’t Sell Yourself Short

Unfortunately, if you’re offering a business-y gig like I do (writing), some people may try to take advantage of what you’re offering. I’ve had people request a higher word count than I was offering, a few wanted me to write eBooks (for $5?!), and request that I write on completely different topics than what my gig offers.

3)Be Professional

Yes, you’re only earning $4 per gig. But you need to be professional. Money is exchanging hands, therefore the buyer needs to feel appreciated and offered great customer service. If a buyer shoots you a message, answer it quickly. If they ask you for advice, give it your best shot. If they’re unhappy with what you’ve delivered, either fix the order or try to come to a mutual decision of what’s the best course of action to take.

4)You can Offer Anything!

I’ve mentioned writing articles a few times in this post only because it’s what I offer. But there’s so much more to Fiverr than just articles. You can sell graphics. You can sell homeschooling downloads. You can sell advice. You can sell a video of your dog sitting in front of someone’s sign. Heck, you can probably sell a video of you shaving your legs while wearing a tutu and singing happy birthday. Fiverr is an awesomely bizarre place and there’s a market for anything and everything. Whatever you do decide to offer, be sure that you can do it well and that you can do it quickly.

How to sell on Fiverr

So how to make money from Fiverr from home and how to sell on Fiverr?
As mentioned, the competition on Fiverr is already very tough and there are lots of people selling there. If you choose a single product or if you type a keyword in the search bar, you will see many gigs of same kind.

Overall, I am in the honeymoon phase with Fiverr. I hope it’s eternal bliss. I completed most of my orders while watching Netflix – it wasn’t exactly back-breaking work. So, I’m content. 

7 Ways To Get More Traffic To Your Blog

Posted by Unknown On 0 comments

Write Top Quality Posts

Content is regarded to be the king and you need to make the use of high quality posts which are equally unique, innovative, creative, interesting and latest to get more traffic to your blog.  It is equally important to be able to post on regular basis as this binds the interests of readers.

Be Patient

Patience is the key of success and you need to continuously work hard towards making things work for you. For the same reason it is important for you to have a calm and composed mind as this will help you in better understanding the loop holes of your blog. Periodically analyze your blog since it will open the way for you to work on your mistakes in order to improve it consistently.

Resort to Social Network

This is the age of social media where businesses are transforming to an altogether different level. Thanks to the never ending reach of the social media sites, you can ensure the biggest ever revolution which will give a renowned and effective popularity. Therefore, make the best use of social media sites such as Google+, Facebook etc to increase traffic to your blog. Do not forget to make the Fan page of you blog and engage with the readers on periodical basis to get more traffic. This exercise will assist towards letting people know about your blog. Hence, traffic is naturally going to increase like never before as well.

The Knowledge of SEO

SEO is a subject which has been misunderstood by many.  However, you need to make the best use of keywords which are easily searched. Since, it is such a vast field therefore, it is always better to get in touch with a knowledgeable and experienced person who can help you out with the same. After all, you never want your blog to be down just because it is not promoted properly. Isn’t it?

Post Interviews of Other Bloggers

Readers want to read the interviews of renowned and popular bloggers. Therefore, make no mistake of including them since it will naturally invite more readers. This is one of the most important aspects of inviting traffic and it should not be overlooked in any way as well.

Add Blog to Directories to Get More Traffic

As you add blogs to directories, besides ensuring extra traffic, you equally build links to your esteemed site as well. Hence, as it is done on continuous basis, it naturally enhances the popularity of the blog as well.

Use Short Reports to Increase Traffic

You can also supply short reports for your readers which they can read as it helps towards giving them enough reason to boost your traffic provided that you link to your site affiliate products, paid reports etc which can assist towards registering future sales.


5 Skills You Need To Succeed Online

Posted by Unknown On 2 comments

1. Awesome Viral Videos

Youtube, Netflix, and other video platforms have taken the Internet by storm, making up for roughly half of all web traffic on any given day. What’s clear from this data is that video is more than a passing fad. We use it for both distraction, and for education. But by far the most popular (and sometimes perplexing) videos are viral ones.

2. Begin Video Marketing

Looking to set yourself apart from others in your digital space? Video marketing is the hot way to achieve it. Turn traditional marketing mechanics into savvy messaging that will market your products and services online.
With so many people watching TV and other videos on their computers these days, there’s a real opportunity to make a name for yourself through paid advertisements or a successful Youtube channel of your own making. People should see you and feel like they’re getting to know you, and your service.

3. Control Your SEO

You’re probably looking to turn to Google or Bing to drive new customers to you. Knowing the relevant local search terms that apply for your business is the first step in executing a strategy to "win" those terms. In the short- and long-term of it, it is easier said than done.
To only focus on the content is not enough, SEO is absolutely essential to grow a business in today’s business world, and there are plenty of places where you can get up to speed on how to appropriately get Google to place the odds in your favor. Play the game right and you’ll walk away a winner.

4. Share Your Wisdom

Did you enjoy the tutorials you were introduced to here? Want to make money teaching others what you know? Well, like with everything, there are best practices to take note of, and to be recommended. Uncover the secrets to making good online courses, tutorials or demos.

5. Basic HTML Skills

If you’re operating a business of any sort in 2013, you’re going to need to start with a dynamic website to attract new customers. Thanks to WordPress and other all-in-one blogging services, the days of hiring expensive IT guys to troubleshoot and solve your blogging problems are over.


Malaysia Pay Per Click(PPC) Sites

Posted by Unknown On 0 comments

1) churpchurp

(Click Picture For Website)

2) 8share

(Click Picture For Website)


 (Click Picture For Website)


Highest Paying Url Shortener 2013

Posted by Unknown On 4 comments


is a strong rival to adfly. They are one of the top and highest paying url shorteners with amazing features. They are equally regarded as the best url shorteners. You can make money with their short url and also link locker. They pay you up to $5.00 per 1000 clicks and $1.00 per download using their link locker. The nice thing about linkbucks is that they accept adult content such as porn video or sex sites. They have been online for the past 12 years paying without problem. The minimum payout is $5.00 through paypal, payza and liberty reserve (this month). You are paid instantly without delay. I make between $53-$60 per day.


 I like this site because it’s so free. Almost no rules. But that’s not the point here I think has mid payout rate, but it’s credibility is really high. It has already open since a really long long time. But I still prefer down there. What the real different between and adfly is allow adults link.


I really prefer this site! Why? For me, it’s paying for a high rate and it is really paid me well. This site already have a schedule when to pay us, and from what I’m experiencing, it’s always on time.